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Printed at 26/04/2024 10:42:47 Knowledge for our questions, fun for everyone!
Connection filter
Internal overview

Published at 18/09/2003 21:46:10
By Juan M. Casillas

Connection filter

Load Balancer has a feature that allows to configure from what ip addresses the connection are allowed or not. This is useful, for example, to give restrict access to a developement site.

The configuration directive for this feature is allowfrom Under this tag, you can add filters that matches the ip addresses that will be accepted. You can use regular expressions inside the rules

The configuration parameters for this tag are:
Option Description

This is the configuration directive. Under this, there are rules that allows the connection for specific servers.

Configuration options

  • enabled: This property allows the system to enable (value yes) or disable (value no) the Connection filter feature.
  • ip: You can have a variable number of ip rules inside a allowfrom tag. This rules defines what ips can connect with the load balancer. You can use regular expressions to match a range of addresses. If the client ip is not mached by any of the ip rules, the connection is refused. Note also that the matching is done in the same order that the rules are inserted in the configuration file; until the ip is matched or all the rules are tested.

Allowfrom Sample

  <allowfrom enabled="no">
  </allowfrom> Knowledge for our questions, fun for everyone!