The following diagram shows the basic components of Event Monitor
(Event Monitor Server Message) this server runs in the monitor machine and
collects the messages send by agents. The servers adds a univocal ID to de
message and stores it on a file (spool)
(Event Monitor Server Command). this servers runs in the monitored machine and
listens for commands to be invoked in this machine. This allows proactive
managing of the system (useful for routine task like erasing core files, etc).
For more details, see features.
(Event Monitor Transaction Logger) this tool has 2 uses, syncronize the spool
file (this feature allows you have multiple console monitors running
concurrently, it is useful by axample for using it with some operators), and
delete a specified message (identified by its ID). the deleted message is
stored into a historical file.
(Event Monitor Console) this is the graphical console where the messages are
show. It allows acknowledge the messages, sorting them, send mails, check for
new messages, etc. See features for more details.
(Event Monitor Put Command) this tool it used mainly for send actions so a
specified client machine. This allows proactive managing of the client system.
(Event Monitor Put message) this tools alows any script to send messages to a
server message (monitor system). It has two versions, binary (you can use it
in a script) and function library (the system gives you a library with some